

2009 WoMAU General Conference

페이지 정보

작성자 작성일10-05-01 13,367회 댓글0건


2009 WoMAU General Conference 


  The WoMAU committee has finally settled the date of general meeting to be held on December 7-9, 2009. Despite the shortness in time it is so decided for the reason of the importance of convening the annual general assembly before the end of the year. As for the logistic support, each member organization is invited to be represented by

a delegation up to two person. The chief delegates will be provided with the airfare and hotel accommodation

and meals during the meeting. The three day meeting is tentatively programmed for the first day conference,

in second day for workshop and third day for field trip. The program as well as the provisional agenda will be forwarded in due course of time. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />







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